Thursday, August 16, 2012

Laying It All Out

18 years ago, I met a boy. We both went out on a limb that day, and we have been taking chances and creating adventures together ever since! 

11 1/2 years ago I married him. He is infinitely supportive of me. He is talented, inspiring, motivated and ingenious, at a minimum. Each of these qualities - and many more - will be showcased in future posts. He flexes his strengths and impresses me daily. He is my best friend, I trust him implicitly, and he is making all my dreams come true.

....I'm sorry, was that too sappy/fairy tale/Disney? Too bad, I'm leaving it in. It's true and it should be recorded here that way. But I get it, so I will try to keep elaboration in that sense to a minimum.

My fabulous husband is tall, dark and handsome - TDH - yeah, let's go with that! From here on out, that's how I will refer to him. Again with the sappy, I know and I'm sorry. I'm a lucky girl, what can I say??

I married TDH in Alaska (I expect details from those years spent living in Alaska to show up in my posts - I totally should have started this blog back then!).

8 years ago I had my first child - a bouncing, bouncing, bouncing, talking, moving, bouncing baby boy. For reasons to be shared in future posts, I will refer to him as Waddles. He has many gifts. The one that strikes TDH and me currently as most prominent and consistently astounding is his ability to make friends and orchestrate an entire playground-full of kids according to his vision. He has leadership skills coming out his ears. TDH and I are infinitely curious how this larger-than-life social exuberance will play out in time!

Almost 7 years ago, Hopper, as she will be known in these stories, was born. Hopper is my brave, brilliant and beautiful baby girl. Hopper never misses a step and always holds her own with her brother. She is always engaged in every situation, but rarely with the same, well, urgency or flare... Both children are dynamic and ready to take on the world at any turn. Their "can-do" attitudes and constant imaginative play keep them close. Hopper and Waddles truly are each other's best friends, for which I am immensely grateful.

20 days ago, the 4 of us embarked on a brand-new adventure: we relocated from Oregon to Hawaii. This blog will provide a means for me to share our discoveries as we explore the reality of living in paradise.

In combination with this relocation, I began homeschooling my children. I expect that this, too, will inspire posts regarding realities of this change to our way of life. I also found, as I contemplated this decision and considered our move "out loud" with friends and family over the last several months, that others who perhaps consider similar changes within their own families but who are not quite ready to make any jumps, might be interested in hearing how we endure our upheaval. Or perhaps there are those who consider no such thing but might still like to know what it's like to decorate for Christmas in the 80 degree heat!

I look forward to maintaining this record of our adventures. I am writing it for my sake - to help me remember and relive the highs and learn from the lows; for my kids' sakes - when they are ready to look back; for TDH - sometimes, when moving  at the speed of life, I don't take the time to share it all with him - yet he deserves to know how he contributes whether or not he is able to join in every moment; and, just perhaps, for the sake of a few others who might glean something meaningful - even if just a smile, a new idea, a short mental vacation - from reading about my crazy life.

After all, what is life if not an adventure??

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