Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Homeschool Planning and Materials

I am definitely a can't-see-the-forest-through-the-trees kinda person (you may have picked up on this by the way my stories meander along with various side-tracks). So once we made the decision to homeschool, I got a little bogged down by details: how, when and where to start; what subjects to teach; what materials to use; how many hours per day/days per week to teach; what extra-curricular activities to sign-up for; on and on.

One of the many ways in which TDH complements me is his ability to create order out of chaos at times like these. My getting bogged down by details is a perfect opportunity for him to perform triage (it's ok - he is a professional). He swoops in, sorts and prioritizes action items, and then we can proceed efficiently. I would love to suggest that I have my own orderly approach to problems, but I have learned to accept this limitation and TDH loves me anyway.

The process typically begins with TDH throwing several of the items I consider to be critically important completely out the window. I often feel discouraged or hurt, observing that many concerns do not receive adequate consideration. With time, I begin to see the plan emerging. Tedious details are sloughed off my shoulders and at last I am able to focus on important first steps.. And so it has been for many an undertaking, from organizing cluttered playrooms and computer desks to arranging a move to the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Having applied that process to homeschooling a few months ago, TDH chiseled out a simple plan. The first step was to select teaching materials. I had so much fun - more than I anticipated by far - with this task! I felt like a kid in a candy store. Of course, I also spent money like a high roller in Vegas! I am certain that more seasoned homeschoolers are laughing now at my expense, calling me an Amateur. Hopefully, I will gradually learn the art of thrifty homeschooling. I'm not holding my breath, though - neither TDH or I are known for being particularly thrifty...

Anyway, I used the internet, advice and recommendations from friends, and my own criteria including Waddles and Hoppers' unique learning styles and academic needs as well as my own personal preferences and gut feelings. In other words, I did not apply any hard and fast rules to selecting materials. I got what I wanted when I wanted it, and will add to it as I see fit. I LOVE this freedom!

Our homeschooling curriculum includes:

1. McRuffy Math
2. Language Arts: Michael Clay Thompson's Elementary Program
3. Handwriting Without Tears
4. Reading - all the books can stand and more
5. Writing journal - Waddles and Hopper are responsible for keeping a journal of stories, observations, questions, things they have learned - you name it! It is a low pressure, free-writing activity.

The next step was to create goals for our homeschool. Also free to evolve, the goals look something like this:
1. Build a strong foundation in the basics of reading, writing and math
2. Encourage the kids to shape their experiences by defining and exploring additional subjects of interest to them
3. Engage in physical activity every day
4. Allow plenty of opportunities for imaginative play and free-time
5. Create and maintain a positive learning environment
6. Demonstrate and emphasize the importance of a strong work ethic
7. Be flexible and willing to adapt to changes involved in moving from traditional to home schooling
8. Have fun!

This is our plan, for the most part. Plenty of material to start with, and plenty of room for refinement as we learn about homeschooling and ourselves. An adventure lies ahead!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

What If Summer Doesn't End?

It's that time of year again. The leaves are turning red, yellow and orange; mornings feel crisp - there's a chill in the air; friends are Facebooking about school supply shopping and the smell of crayons, sharing pictures of their kids heading off on the first day of school; and Labor Day is around the corner, signaling the end of summer.

But not for us. It's different this year - and not just the part about the leaves. We live in the land of perpetual summer, so the sun felt as warm today as it will in December. We will snorkel then, too - or free-dive, in Hopper's case (she hates the snorkel, but holds her breath and dives down to the coral like a fish).

The biggest difference is that this year my kids aren't heading off to school.
But it can't be all fun and games (or sunshine and coconuts), right?


As I mentioned in previous posts, we are taking on homeschooling as part of our move to Hawaii. The decision to homeschool was a long-time coming, and not by any means made lightly. I am perpetually filled with self-doubt, so at the heart of any hesitation to homeschool was my sense that I wasn't good enough for the job. TDH pointed out the sacrifice in "me" time and the work I would have to put into planning and executing. These things didn't bother me. I was simply paralyzed by concern over whether or not I could offer my kids what they need to reach their full potential...

But for me, that concern applies to every aspect of parenting.

TDH was not at all troubled by this - he believes in me, in us, and remains confident that the 2:1 student:teacher ratio is bound to provide a sufficient learning environment for Waddles and Hopper. I should mention that Waddles, in particular, always required close monitoring to stay on task during homework and schoolwork (no doubt his K-2nd grade teachers would confirm). Elaboration on this is sure to come...

So here we are, jumping in with 8 feet.

I do not presume to know what is right for any other family. I do not suggest that my personal choices should apply to anyone else. Ours was a decision permitted by and as a direct result of my familys' unique circumstances. From here on out, I simply offer to share my own experiences, and those of my family, related to our homeschooling. 

So read on if you wish, commiserate if you please, and share your own stories if you so desire. Starting...tomorrow... Yes, I'll begin to write about what we are actually doing starting tomorrow. Because, strangely, determining how best to write this post (then writing it) has been a challenge!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Secret Beach

On August 18th we moved. Again (that makes 7 new "homes" in 25 days).

But damn, was it worth it! In fact, it seems like it just keeps getting better!

Our home for the next 5 nights is a very nice, spacious 2 bedroom condo at Kai Lani in Ko Olina. Upon arrival, we unpacked and lunched (I told myself I'd never use that word - see how happy I am? I don't even care that I just used a stupid word!), then sunscreened up and headed out to our "secret beach". Well, not ours. It's what they call the beach residents can walk to from Kai Lani.

Okay, so it is a Saturday in August and we are on Oahu. One would assume there is not a spot on the island that isn't swarming with people. Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! (Sometimes it just feels good to repeat that as a mom of an 8 and 6 year old...I think I may have even stamped my foot a little).

We walked out our door and made our way along the rocky coastline to several small beaches, and none of them were crowded. On our way, we passed one of the largest, most magical trees I have ever seen. Standing underneath it, I imagined I was under the Swiss Family Robinson's tree! We would have been safe and dry in a tropical rainstorm, no doubt.

We picked our way carefully over the coral and sandstone rocks above the ocean, enjoying the crashing waves and sea spray, for about 45 minutes. When we arrived at our snorkeling spot, we were thrilled to find 3 sea turtles had chosen to spend their day in the same lagoon. Several times, as I was minding my business watching brightly-colored fish, I was startled to see one of the turtles within a few feet of me! I swam alongside one for several minutes, just hanging out with him while he "lunched" on the rocks. Several times, we came up for air together - no more than 3 feet between us! This was closer than I have ever been before to a sea turtle in the wild. They are so graceful in the water - so peaceful to watch

TDH and I then snorkeled around together when the kids were ready for a break. This was a rare treat! Usually we have to "divide and conquer" - one of us stays with the kids while the other explores. However, "Secret Beach" was so well protected that we indulged ourselves. Together, we swam with 2 more honus, then we swam up onto a rock about 6 feet from the beauties while they sunbathed on their own rock, side-by-side.

We eventually walked on to yet another quiet beach where we came within 8 feet of a monk seal. We observed, respectfully, while she sunbathed on the slope of the beach. The waves lapped her back and she rubbed the sand on her belly with her fin, occasionally drawing deep breaths through her diamond-shaped nostrils (I thought that was really cool). Waddles and Hopper asked questions about the creatures we had seen and the environment around us. Our adventures inspired discussions about the tropics, how the monk seal might defend herself if she felt threatened by humans encroaching her, and more.

It was beautiful and humbling to be permitted to coexist with these magnificent sea creatures. Nothing man-made, no performance time, no admission tickets, parking fees or snack bars with turtle-shaped soft pretzels. This was the real thing - we were the outsiders, we all learned so much, and I loved every minute of it!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Honeymoon Period

We have been living in Hawaii for almost one month. I thought it would be a good idea to record some of my initial impressions about living here before we become so settled that I have trouble recollecting them.... I am not suggesting that the layers of turquoise and blue in the ocean will ever NOT be breathtaking, or that the pleasant breeze, flowering trees and scent of plumeria will eventually go unnoticed. I am ever-so-hopeful that we never become hardened to the exquisiteness of the Hawaiian Islands. But, for fun and posterity, I want to capture my early thoughts while I am still experiencing the "newness" of it all. Just in case...

We arrived late at night on July 27, 2012, collected our luggage, rented a car, found our way to our hotel in Waikiki, and crashed for the night. Early the next morning, I heard music. Hawaiian music. A man and his ukulele. Clearly.  It sounded like it was coming from our lanai...We were very fortunate to have been upgraded to an oceanview room - but we were still on the 15th floor, and our sliding door was closed. So this would be impossible, right? Keep in mind, I was very groggy from a short night's sleep and may have considered it possible momentarily.

Curiosity overcame grogginess, so I walked to the sliding doors, opened the curtains, and looked out onto Waikiki beach. I thought it must have been midday. Runners, shoppers, and a crowd of tourists and sightseers covered the beach. Surfers speckled the ocean. And, to my astonishment, a man stood amidst the hustle singing and playing his ukelele live onstage. Surreally, we had been awakened by the beautiful music of the Islands. Days start early and in full-swing in Hawaii (Carpe Diem), and we had just gotten off to a really great start of our own!

The next observation that struck me right away was how the adults here are having just as much fun as the kids! Up and down the beaches adults are running into the ocean, jumping in the waves, giddy, rolling around in the water, and coming up sputtering and laughing! With a smile on my own face, I watched a grown man step out of the ocean and lay flat on his back in the warm, dry sand. He spread his arms and legs out as if to make a snow angel, then he took a moment to absorb and breathe in the pleasures and sensations. He then began burying himself in the sand. Just because. And he was happy.

My daughter finds the teensiest, tiniest, most beautiful little seashells, and she loves doing it! To Hopper, the tinier the better. Most of us would overlook them, assuming they are all broken or crushed up pieces of larger shells. I am continually amazed by the perfect little treasures she brings to me.

Dragonfruit is really tasty and fun to eat.

I love to eat and live to be outside. Put them together - wow!

I should indulge in at least one dip in the ocean every day. Being in the ocean is invigorating and makes me feel like a kid again. Playing with my kids in the ocean helps me feel happy, healthy, connected, and overwhelmed with the potential for our new life!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Jaw-Dropping High Diving

August 16 was a monumental day in the adventures of Waddles and Hopper!

TDH had the day off and we wanted to plan a fun afternoon for the family. The activity of choice was inspired by watching the Summer Olympics this year, which we thoroughly enjoyed. In fact, this is the first year the kids have been interested in watching - or was it up late enough to watch, or had they missed it in the past because we didn't have cable TV - oh, details.

Either way, this year we were staying in hotels because we had just arrived in Hawaii. We would come in from dinner, climb into our beds (arrangements varied from me in a king-size bed with Hopper and TDH and Waddles in a cot, to TDH in a cot while I slept in the king with both kids, to phenomenal accommodations at the fabulous Ihilani (luxury!) in which the kids each had a cot and TDH and I shared a king (that's the way it's supposed to be!) to the kids on a pull-out sofa bed and TDH and me in a king..... Am I getting bogged down in details again?? Sorry. The point is, we moved around a lot in 10 days. No, the point is, we watched the Summer Olympics!

Several events captured the kids' attention, but when the diving competitions began, Waddles and Hopper were entranced. Since then, TDH and the kids have been talking incessantly about high dives and what it would be like and how fun it would be...TDH, as is his way, set out to find a pool with a high dive for the kids to try. He did not pause to wonder whether it would be worth the drive, whether we would get there and the kids would take one look at a high dive and turn the other way...

I, however, was a doubter. I didn't believe they would do it. I thought they'd get to a pool with real diving boards, and - well, yeah - wuss out. 

We arrived at Richardson Pool on Schofield Barracks to find a 15 ft deep pool having 2 10 foot springboard diving boards and 2 even higher diving platforms. My kids have never seen high dives. They have almost never been in water deeper then 5 feet. Alaska and Oregon are not where you go to become fish! 

The kids couldn't wait to get their sunscreen on so they could sprint to the top of the ladder. Waddles went first - also shocking! He usually sends Hopper in first to check things out. Well, this time his impulsivity affected only him. He began climbing the ladder - and the lifeguard yelled at him, "One at a time!", because there was another kid already on the board. Waddles paused as instructed, but he was not discouraged. When the board was clear, he began climbing again. No hesitation. He stepped onto the diving board and walked forward... Then, I'm guessing his belly leaped into his throat as the ground fell away and the board flexed with his steps out over the water, because he began moving back toward the ladder and preparing to climb down. Not so fast... The lifeguard yelled at him again, "You can't go down!" Apparently, once you're up, there's only one way to come down. 

So now I'm thinking I was right. I am also thinking this is it. Here it comes. Fear. Tears. Humiliation as we try to coax him to jump. And no chance Hopper will try after this scene. 

I was totally wrong. Waddles pinched his nose, walked forward and, with more courage than I ever expected nor could have mustered myself at a time like that, took the plunge. He jumped right off. He LOVED it!! Total, beautiful success!!

And the funny thing is, Hopper came forward with the same courage. She exhibited the same hesitation halfway along the board, and started to back up.... But then she gathered her courage, walked forward - nose in hand - and made her own giant leap. It was awesome! All on her own, she did it and I was so proud! They both continued to jump over and over again - and they swam their little hearts out!

Isn't it the best when your kids amaze you in a brand new and truly jaw-dropping way? I tell you what, when I got to the top of the ladder and walked out onto that platform (at Hopper's request) I had to gather all my courage. My nerves were tingling and I, too, wanted to turn around and climb back down that ladder. The only thing that got me over the edge was knowing that my daughter, sweet wonderful Hopper, was cheering me on and telling me, "You can do it!" I knew she deserved to feel the same joy I felt by watching her. The smile on her face was totally worth it despite the stinging foot-slap and power wedgie I received when I hit the water!!

Wow! They are growing up in a BIG way!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Laying It All Out

18 years ago, I met a boy. We both went out on a limb that day, and we have been taking chances and creating adventures together ever since! 

11 1/2 years ago I married him. He is infinitely supportive of me. He is talented, inspiring, motivated and ingenious, at a minimum. Each of these qualities - and many more - will be showcased in future posts. He flexes his strengths and impresses me daily. He is my best friend, I trust him implicitly, and he is making all my dreams come true.

....I'm sorry, was that too sappy/fairy tale/Disney? Too bad, I'm leaving it in. It's true and it should be recorded here that way. But I get it, so I will try to keep elaboration in that sense to a minimum.

My fabulous husband is tall, dark and handsome - TDH - yeah, let's go with that! From here on out, that's how I will refer to him. Again with the sappy, I know and I'm sorry. I'm a lucky girl, what can I say??

I married TDH in Alaska (I expect details from those years spent living in Alaska to show up in my posts - I totally should have started this blog back then!).

8 years ago I had my first child - a bouncing, bouncing, bouncing, talking, moving, bouncing baby boy. For reasons to be shared in future posts, I will refer to him as Waddles. He has many gifts. The one that strikes TDH and me currently as most prominent and consistently astounding is his ability to make friends and orchestrate an entire playground-full of kids according to his vision. He has leadership skills coming out his ears. TDH and I are infinitely curious how this larger-than-life social exuberance will play out in time!

Almost 7 years ago, Hopper, as she will be known in these stories, was born. Hopper is my brave, brilliant and beautiful baby girl. Hopper never misses a step and always holds her own with her brother. She is always engaged in every situation, but rarely with the same, well, urgency or flare... Both children are dynamic and ready to take on the world at any turn. Their "can-do" attitudes and constant imaginative play keep them close. Hopper and Waddles truly are each other's best friends, for which I am immensely grateful.

20 days ago, the 4 of us embarked on a brand-new adventure: we relocated from Oregon to Hawaii. This blog will provide a means for me to share our discoveries as we explore the reality of living in paradise.

In combination with this relocation, I began homeschooling my children. I expect that this, too, will inspire posts regarding realities of this change to our way of life. I also found, as I contemplated this decision and considered our move "out loud" with friends and family over the last several months, that others who perhaps consider similar changes within their own families but who are not quite ready to make any jumps, might be interested in hearing how we endure our upheaval. Or perhaps there are those who consider no such thing but might still like to know what it's like to decorate for Christmas in the 80 degree heat!

I look forward to maintaining this record of our adventures. I am writing it for my sake - to help me remember and relive the highs and learn from the lows; for my kids' sakes - when they are ready to look back; for TDH - sometimes, when moving  at the speed of life, I don't take the time to share it all with him - yet he deserves to know how he contributes whether or not he is able to join in every moment; and, just perhaps, for the sake of a few others who might glean something meaningful - even if just a smile, a new idea, a short mental vacation - from reading about my crazy life.

After all, what is life if not an adventure??